I'm pretty addicted to reading blog posts. I saw this new blog post the other day, where the author created the DHCP HTML report, and he did it by manually building headers, footers, table borders, and finally, adding some coloring to the percentage of DHCP being in use. It's the „standard” approach to build HTML in PowerShell, and I've seen a similar path before, but that got me thinking how much time it would take for me to replicate the very same functionality using PSWriteHTML module.
If you're interested in the other article, you can find it here. The essentials parts, however, that I wanted to focus on are visuals and part of the code to generate it. The next two images are from the other article and are here to illustrate what we are trying to accomplish (1st image) and what we are trying to avoid (2nd image).
The important part to generate it
As you see above, the visual part is a clear and readable table; however, the code to do so, except for PowerShell knowledge, also requires HTML building skills. You have to know what each tag does and how it impacts visuals. You could, of course, argue that it's just copy/paste and you're done, so in the long run, it doesn't matter, but I'm here to show you another way to do things.