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Evotec Services sp. z o.o., ul. Drozdów 6, Mikołów, 43-190, Poland

Adaptive Cards with Tables and Linebreaks in Microsoft Teams

Adaptive Card Tables

PSTeams is a PowerShell module that helps simplify sending notifications to Microsoft Teams via Incoming webhooks. It's easy to use and doesn't require playing with JSON. Since version 2.0, it started to support Adaptive Cards; in version 2.1, I've added the ability to mention people. Today I'm introducing an easy way to send data as a table and a quick way to add a line break.

Creating Adaptive Card Tables & Line breaks

If you have ever created Adaptive Cards by hand with JSON, you know it's far from easy. You need to know what goes with what and what the options are. Colors are predefined (and not something you would expect), weight has specific values, and so on. PSTeams are there to help. Before introducing Adaptive Tables and Line breaks, you need to know that there is no native way to build tables, so one has to create them yourself using Adaptive Column, Adaptive ColumnSet, and Adaptive TextBlock. I've just made sure to automate it enough, so it's much easier to use in PowerShell than building it manually.

$URL = "incoming webhook"

# Lets prepare dummmy object array with few elements
$Objects = @(
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Test  = 123
        Test2 = "Tes1t"
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Test  = 456
        Test2 = "Test2"
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Test  = 789
        Test2 = "Test3"

# Different dummy object array with few elements as ordered dictionary or hashtable
$ObjectsHashes = @(
    [ordered] @{
        Test  = 123
        Test2 = "Tes1t"
    [ordered] @{
        Test  = 456
        Test2 = "Test2"
    [ordered] @{
        Test  = 789
        Test2 = "Test3"

# Lets create a new adaptive card
$Card = New-AdaptiveCard {
    # lets add some text, table and line breaks
    New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Size 'Medium' -Weight Bolder -Text 'Table usage with PSCustomObject 🔥' -Wrap

    New-AdaptiveTable -DataTable $Objects


    New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Size 'Medium' -Weight Bolder -Text 'Table usage with OrderedDictionary 🤷‍♂️' -Wrap

    New-AdaptiveTable -DataTable $ObjectsHashes


    New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Size 'Medium' -Weight Bolder -Text 'Table usage with display as PSCustomObject ❤️' -Wrap

    New-AdaptiveTable -DataTable $ObjectsHashes -DictionaryAsCustomObject -HeaderColor Attention

    New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Text 'Different example' -Size Large -Subtle -Spacing ExtraLarge


    # and here we mix it with some sample from Adaptive cards
    New-AdaptiveContainer {
        New-AdaptiveColumnSet {
            New-AdaptiveColumn {
                New-AdaptiveImage -Url "" -Size Medium -AlternateText "Shades cat team emblem" -HorizontalAlignment Center
                New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Weight Bolder -Text 'SHADES' -HorizontalAlignment Center
            } -Width Auto
            New-AdaptiveColumn {
                New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Text "Sat, Aug 31, 2019" -HorizontalAlignment Center -Wrap
                New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Text "Final" -Spacing None -HorizontalAlignment Center
                New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Text "45 - 7" -HorizontalAlignment Center -Size ExtraLarge
            } -Width Stretch -Separator -Spacing Medium
            New-AdaptiveColumn {
                New-AdaptiveImage -Url "" -Size Medium -HorizontalAlignment Center -AlternateText "Skins cat team emblem"
                New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Weight Bolder -Text 'SKINS' -HorizontalAlignment Center
            } -Width Auto -Separator -Spacing Medium

    # and lets convert Get-Process into Adaptive card
    New-AdaptiveTextBlock -Text 'Lets convert Get-Process into Adaptive Table' -Size Large -Subtle -Spacing ExtraLarge

    $TableData = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 5 -Property Name, Id, CompanyName, CPU, FileName
    New-AdaptiveTable -DataTable $TableData -HeaderHorizontalAlignment Center -HorizontalAlignment Center -HeaderColor Good -Size Small

} -Uri $URL -FullWidth -ReturnJson

$Card | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

As you see above, there are about 90 lines of code, of which 30 is the definition for PowerShell objects and 60 creation of Adaptive Card, but if you look at what was produced, you get over 800 lines of JSON file. Can you imagine doing this by hand?! What is the result?

The above shows that you now have New-AdaptiveTable that provides an easy way to send the whole table to Adaptive Card. You, of course, need to be aware of limits such as width or height. You won't be able to suddenly send a table with 60 columns and expect it to work. This is why I've picked specific columns from Get-Process for demonstration purposes. I've also added New-AdaptiveLineBreak, which adds an empty line as the name suggests. This can be useful if you send more than a few lines of text, so it's a bit more readable. Tables have multiple parameters available, primarily for deciding colors, alignment, spacing, or wrapping for headers or content if you don't like the defaults.

Notice that I've also added the ReturnJSON parameter to New-AdaptiveCard. By default, you don't need this parameter, but it is useful when debugging what was sent to Teams. Also, if you don't provide an URL, whether you provide ReturnJSON or not, JSON will be returned anyway.

Installing PSTeams PowerShell Module

How do you install it? The easiest and most optimal way is to use PowerShellGallery. This will get you up and running in no time. Whenever there is an update, just run Update-Module, and you're done.

Install-Module PSTeams
# Update-Module PSTeams

However, if you're into code – want to see how everything is done, you can use GitHub sources. Please remember that the PowerShellGallery version is optimized and better for production use. If you see any issues, bugs, or features that are missing, please make sure to submit them on GitHub.

Building Adaptive Card using JSON

For the sake of completeness of this blog post to create the same Adaptive Card using just JSON you would need to do this:

    "type": "message",
    "attachments": [
            "contentType": "application/",
            "content": {
                "$schema": "",
                "type": "AdaptiveCard",
                "version": "1.2",
                "body": [
                        "type": "TextBlock",
                        "text": "Table usage with PSCustomObject 🔥",
                        "size": "Medium",
                        "weight": "Bolder",
                        "highlight": "False",
                        "italic": "False",
                        "strikeThrough": "False",
                        "wrap": true
                        "type": "ColumnSet",
                        "columns": [
                                "type": "Column",
                                "width": "stretch",
                                "items": [
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "Test",
                                        "weight": "Bolder",
                                        "color": "Accent",
                                        "highlight": "False",
                                        "italic": "False",
                                        "strikeThrough": "False"
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "123",
                                        "highlight": "False",
                                        "italic": "False",
                                        "strikeThrough": "False",
                                        "separator": true
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "456",
                                        "highlight": "False",
                                        "italic": "False",
                                        "strikeThrough": "False",
                                        "separator": true
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "789",
                                        "highlight": "False",
                                        "italic": "False",
                                        "strikeThrough": "False",
                                        "separator": true
                                "type": "Column",
                                "width": "stretch",
                                "items": [
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "Test2",
                                        "weight": "Bolder",
                                        "color": "Accent",
                                        "highlight": "False",
                                        "italic": "False",
                                        "strikeThrough": "False"
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "Tes1t",
                                        "highlight": "False",
                                        "italic": "False",
                                        "strikeThrough": "False",
                                        "separator": true
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "Test2",
                                        "highlight": "False",
                                        "italic": "False",
                                        "strikeThrough": "False",
                                        "separator": true
                                        "type": "TextBlock",
                                        "text": "Test3",
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                        "type": "TextBlock",
                        "text": "\n",
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                        "text": "Table usage with OrderedDictionary 🤷‍♂️",
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