%AppDataDir% |
The current user's Application Data directory. |
%BinaryComputerSid% |
The SID of the computer in hexadecimal format. |
%BinaryUserSid% |
The SID of the current user in hexadecimal format. |
%CommonAppdataDir% |
The „all users” Application Data directory. |
%CommonDesktopDir% |
The „all users” Desktop directory. |
%CommonFavoritesDir% |
The „all users” Explorer Favorites directory. |
%CommonProgramsDir% |
The „all users” Programs directory. |
%CommonStartMenuDir% |
The „all users” Start Menu directory. |
%CommonStartUpDir% |
The „all users” Startup directory. |
%ComputerName% |
The NetBIOS name of the computer. |
%CurrentProcessId% |
The numeric identity of the main client process. |
%CurrentThreadId% |
The numeric identity of the main client thread. |
%DateTime% |
The current time (UTC). |
%DateTimeEx% |
The current time (UTC) with milliseconds. |
%DesktopDir% |
The current user's desktop directory. |
%DomainName% |
The domain name or workgroup of the computer. |
%FavoritesDir% |
The current user's Explorer Favorites directory. |
%LastError% |
The last error code encountered during configuration. |
%LastErrorText% |
The last error code text description. |
%LdapComputerSid% |
The SID of the computer in LDAP escaped binary format. |
%LdapUserSid% |
The SID of the current user in LDAP escaped binary format. |
%LocalTime% |
The current local time. |
%LocalTimeEx% |
The current local time with milliseconds. |
%LogonDomain% |
The domain of the current user. |
%LogonServer% |
The domain controller that authenticated the current user. |
%LogonUser% |
The user name of the current user. |
%LogonUserSid% |
The SID of the current user. |
%MacAddress% |
The first detected MAC address on the computer. |
%NetPlacesDir% |
The current user's My Network Places directory. |
%OsVersion% |
The operating system: Windows Server® 2008 R2, Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2008, Windows Vista®, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Unknown. |
%ProgramFilesDir% |
The Windows Program Files directory. |
%ProgramsDir% |
The current user's Programs directory. |
%RecentDocumentsDir% |
The current user's Recent Documents directory. |
%ResultCode% |
The client's exit code. |
%ResultText% |
The client's exit code text description. |
%ReversedComputerSid% |
The SID of the computer in reversed byte order hexadecimal format. |
%ReversedUserSid% |
The SID of the current user in reversed byte order hexadecimal format. |
%SendToDir% |
The current user's Send to directory. |
%StartMenuDir% |
The current user's Start Menu directory. |
%StartUpDir% |
The current user's Startup directory. |
%SystemDir% |
The Windows system directory. |
%SystemDrive% |
The name of the drive from which the operating system is running. |
%TempDir% |
The current user's Temp directory as determined by Windows API. |
%TimeStamp% |
The time stamp of the configurations being implemented. |
%TraceFile% |
The path/name of the trace file. |
%WindowsDir% |
The Windows directory. |
This post was last modified on 20 marca, 2016 12:24
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