The second functionality is doable using the Sync-O365Contact command. It's a bit different in what it does, as it uses the ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module to synchronize contacts between tenants. The process is a bit different because we need to contact Tenant A using Microsoft Graph API but then synchronize those users/objects as contacts to Tenant B.
Currently, the Source objects to synchronize are objects provided by Get-MgUser. Still, providing functionality to synchronize objects from Active Directory, Exchange, or even external systems should be doable if there's a need for that.
# Source tenant (read only)
$ClientID = '9e1b3c36'
$TenantID = 'ceb371f6'
$ClientSecret = 'NDE8Q'
$Credentials = [pscredential]::new($ClientID, (ConvertTo-SecureString $ClientSecret -AsPlainText -Force))
Connect-MgGraph -ClientSecretCredential $Credentials -TenantId $TenantID -NoWelcome
$UsersToSync = Get-MgUser | Select-Object -First 5
# Destination tenant (writeable)
$ClientID = 'edc4302e'
Connect-ExchangeOnline -AppId $ClientID -CertificateThumbprint '2EC710' -Organization ''
Sync-O365Contact -SourceObjects $UsersToSync -Domains '', '' -Verbose -WhatIf -LogPath 'C:\Temp\Logs\O365Synchronizer.log' -LogMaximum 5
This command works a bit differently when synchronizing users. You provide users to synchronize but also state from which domain those users are. Once the power starts running, it expects to control users from these specific fields. If users created in your target tenant are not on the list provided, those contacts will be deleted. If they exist in source, they will get updated. Essentially the command assumes complete control in adding, removing or updating contacts for given domains.
It's essential to reiterate! Those contacts will be removed if you have contacts in the target tenant that are not on the source lists for given domains. For the sake of exercise, if I tell it to synchronize the first 15 users but skip the first 5, the output will show that we are adding some new users, but at the same time, we try to remove those that already exist.
$UsersToSync = Get-MgUser | Select-Object -First 15 -Skip 5
Of course, I'm showing one-way sync, but nothing stops you from reverting commands, getting users from the target tenant, and pushing them to the source tenant. I would expect, however, that this would be done in another script by the admin of the second tenant, but in theory, you could just run it in a single PowerShell script.
The following permissions are required on the source tenant to use this functionality:
- User.Read.All – to read users
On target tenant, you should use:
- Exchange.ManageAsApp – to read/write contacts in Exchange (remember to add application to Exchange Recipient Administrator role)