As I tend to use more and more Write-Color every day for different projects I decided it's time to publish it as a module for easy usage. At the same time I get pointed that Write-Host which is heavily utilized by Write-Color is considered harmful as stated by Jeffrey Snover. And since it's THE Jeffrey Snover (Jeffrey Snover is a Microsoft Technical Fellow, PowerShell Chief Architect, and the Chief Architect for the Azure Infrastructure and Management group which includes Azure Stack, System Center and Operations Management Suite. Snover is the inventor of Windows PowerShell, an object-based distributed automation engine, scripting language, and command line shell and was the chief architect for Windows Server) so essentially I should care. And I do. I do understand his points.
But the thing is, and he states that clearly that for most of the use cases Write-Host will be wrong. But for some … perfectly fine! So use Write-Color with that in mind.
- [accordionitem]
added backgroundcolor
added aliases T/B/C to shorter code
added alias to function (can be used with „WC”)
fixes to module publishing
published as module
fixed small issues
Basic functionality of this module is to create easy to use colorized output. You can also use it as standard Write-Host replacement.
Write-Host 'This is a test' Write-Color 'This is a test'
But where it shines a lot…
Import-Module PSWriteColor $line = '=========================================================' do { Clear-Host Write-Color $line -LinesBefore 1 Write-Color 'ACTIVE DIRECTORY Domain Services Section' -C Green -StartTab 1 Write-Color $line Write-Color ' 1', ' - ', 'List of Domain Controller and FSMO Roles' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 2', ' - ', 'Domain Main Configuration' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 3', ' - ', 'Forest Main Configuration' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 4', ' - ', 'List all Windows Clients' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 5', ' - ', 'List all Windows Server' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 6', ' - ', 'List all Computer (sort by operatingsystem)' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 7', ' - ', 'Run systeminfo on remote computers' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 8', ' - ', 'List Domain Admins' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 9', ' - ', 'Enabled Optional Features' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '10', ' - ', 'List of Active GPOs' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '11', ' - ', 'Default Password Policy Settings' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '12', ' - ', 'Active Directory Sites' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '13', ' - ', 'Users Last Logon' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '14', ' - ', 'List all Users (enabled)' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '15', ' - ', 'List User Details' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '16', ' - ', 'List all Groups' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '17', ' - ', 'List Group Memberships' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '18', ' - ', 'Send message to users Desktop' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color '19', ' - ', 'Get Logged on User' -C Yellow, White, Green Write-Color ' 0', ' - ', 'Quit' -C Yellow, White, Green -LinesAfter 1 Write-Color $line $input = Read-Host 'Select' Switch ($input) { 0 { Exit } default { Write-Color 'Not implemented...', ' Press any key to continue!' -Color Red, Yellow -LinesBefore 1 [void][System.Console]::ReadKey($true) } } } while ($input -ne '0')
The results are as below:
For more information, usage examples and details visit dedicated PSWriteColor dedicated to this module.