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Evotec Services sp. z o.o., ul. Drozdów 6, Mikołów, 43-190, Poland

Quickly test multiple computers availability

Sometimes we need to quickly test a bunch of servers for ping responsiveness, dns availability and rdp connectivity. Following PowerShell script can quickly scan multiple servers and provide an easy, consistent way overtime. This little script quickly tests multiple servers that have similar naming. It tests servers from ash000145 to ash000148. It's easy to expand for future needs. The script uses Test-ComputerName by Jaap Brasser slightly modified for our needs.
#### Provide the computer part name in $ServerName variable

$ServerName = "ash000"
$StartNumber = 145 #start number to add to computer name 
$EndNumber = 148 #end number to add to computer name 
$RdpPort = 3389 # port to test for RDP connectivity 

##### Script Starts Here ######

function DoWork {
    for ($i = $StartNumber; $i -le $EndNumber; $i++) {
        $Server = $ServerName + $i
        TestComputerName -ComputerName $Server

Check connectivity of a system

This function pings and opens a connection to the default RDP port to verify connectivity, futhermore it will check if a DNS entry exists and whether there is a computeraccount

Name: Test-ComputerName
Author: Jaap Brasser
Version: 1.0
DateUpdated: 2013-08-23

.PARAMETER ComputerName The computer to which connectivity will be checked .EXAMPLE Test-ComputerName Description: Will perform the ping, RDP, DNS and AD checks for the local machine .EXAMPLE Test-ComputerName -ComputerName server01,server02 Description: Will perform the ping, RDP, DNS and AD checks for server01 and server02 #> function TestComputerName ($ComputerName) { begin { $SelectHash = @{ 'Property' = @('Name','DNSEntry','PingResponse','RDPConnection') } } process { foreach ($CurrentComputer in $ComputerName) { # Create new Hash $HashProps = @{ 'Name' = $CurrentComputer 'DNSEntry' = $false 'RDPConnection' = $false 'PingResponse' = $false } # Perform Checks switch ($true) { { $(try {[]::gethostentry($CurrentComputer )} catch {})} { $HashProps.DNSEntry = $true } { $(try {$socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient( $CurrentComputer, $RdpPort);if ($socket.Connected) {$true};$socket.Close()} catch {})} { $HashProps.RDPConnection = $true } { Test-Connection -ComputerName $CurrentComputer -Quiet -Count 1} { $HashProps.PingResponse = $true } Default {} } # Output object New-Object -TypeName 'PSCustomObject' -Property $HashProps | Select-Object @SelectHash } } end { } } DoWork ########## end of script #######################
Running this script provides a quick view of server availability in DNS, ping response and RDP connectivity. Test-ComputerConnectivity  

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