After having some feedback and seeing as some features were missing new version of Events Monitoring brings few of noticeable changes. You can go straight to Get-EventsLibrary.ps1 if you don't fancy reading up.
What's new
There were several features added and changes to configuration file. Among others:
It's highly advised to start configuration from template.
Known Issues
At this moment there are several not finished features. The most visible are:
What's new - details
It should now be easier to configure the script and avoid errors in the process. Get-EventsLibrary.ps1 since 0.6 version tries to detect possible errors in configuration as seen below:
It checks for availability of ActiveDirectory and ImportExcel modules along with checking if AD Domain Controllers are available on the machine running this script. I've also added some logging capabilities so that it can display how things are going…
After the email is sent one can easily review it by checking the email or attached Excel file (with tabs) with changes.